IL-06 Press event. Put pressure on Peter Roskam today

This morning at 10am there will be a press event calling on Roskam to support parts of the First 100 Hours agenda in Schaumburg. I know it’s late notice but I only got the email yesterday. Read on to see how you can join in and help force lil Petey’s hand or if he sticks to his guns highlight just how out of the mainstream he is.

When: Wed., Jan. 10th, at 10am

Where: Roosevelt University in Schaumburg (1400 N. Roosevelt Blvd., Room 707)

What: Press event calling on Roskam to support parts of the First 100 Hours agenda (minimum wage, reducing student loan rates, repealing oil company subsidies, and allowing Medicare to negotiate for lower drug prices)

Citizen Action will be joined by Sierra Club and Illinois Alliance for Retired Americans. This is a non-partisan, issue-based event, but obviously, our goal is to highlight that Roskam opposes these mainstream proposals. If you know any students in the area (or persons who just graduated and have student loans), Medicare drug recipients stuck in the donut hole, or anybody who doesn’t think it’s the taxpayer’s job to guarantee record profits for oil companies they’d love to have you join them. You don’t have to have a reason other than wanting to see a congressman actually represent his consituents’ instead of his contributors’ interests. I won’t be able to make it as my dad has a doctor’s appt. at the VA hospital. 

If you have any questions, contact:
Ryan Canney
Organizing Director
312-427-2114 x6